Patent Infringement

Patent Infringement Assistance: Help with Your Patent Infringement Claim

If you own a patent, and you believe it has been infringed, you may be able to find legal representation on a contingency basis. That is, you may be able to launch a patent infringement suit against the infringer of your patent, and do so with no out-of-pocket costs on your part!

That’s right. There are law firms and patent enforcement firms that represent  patent infringement plaintiffs on contingency. Their fees are “contingent” on their receiving an award at trial or negotiating an out-of-court settlement on our behalf. Instead of charging you on an hourly or fixed fee basis, they are paid an agreed-to share of any awards or settlements they generate for you.

To receive a free referral to a law firm or patent enforcement firm that may be able to represent you on a contingency basis, simply complete this form. Please understand that all we can do is refer you to a law firm or patent enforcement firm that represents clients in patent infringement matters on a contingency basis. The law firm or patent enforcement firm will have to analyze your patent infringement claim to determine if it meets their guidelines and they can represent you. All of the firms we refer will look at your patent infringement claim at no cost.

Your Name:
Company Name:
State: Zipcode:
Patents (by US Patent Office Number) You Believe Are Being Infringed:
Who (what company or other entity) Do You Believe Is Infringing Your Patent(s):



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